Feedback Form - Stop Drowning Now

Learn about why educating about drowning prevention is important.

Learn about why educating about drowning prevention is important.

Feedback Form

Fields marked with an * are required

At Stop Drowning Now we are dedicated to providing a high quality learning experience and to ensuring that each child truly learns the importance of water safety!

By answering our few short questions you help Stop Drowning Now improve the learning experience as well as you help us to collect necessary data for future funding of our platform.
When did you present? *
How successful was the presentation? *
What age groups were represented in the students? *
How would you rate the ease of using the SDN Platform? (1-5, 5 being very easy) *
How would you rate the quality of content in the SDN Platform (1-5, 5 being great) *

Ethnicity Survey Questions

Optional Additional Feedback

If you have a moment, any additional feedback you are willing to provide is extremely helpful!
Would you present this type of program again?
What was very helpful (select as many as you like)?
What should Stop Drowning Now work to improve (select as many as you like)?
People Drown
Every Day
People Drown
Each year
Drowning Is The Leading Cause of Death Ages 1-4
# 20