There are three dimensions of risk in every drowning; the water, the person and the response. Thus we created the Safer 3 Message as a simple way to educate people simply, quickly and easily. We chose “safer” over “safe” because no one is ever completely free from drowning risk when they are enjoying the water. The risk may vary in degree from very slight to very severe.
Here is more about the Safer 3 and it’s 3 components; Safer Water, Safer Kids and Safer Response.

Safer Water
means identifying the risks. This can be any body of water (bathtubs, pools, spas, lakes, rivers or oceans) whether you are swimming in it or not. This element includes learning how to reduce those risks. For example installing barriers such as isolation fencing around a backyard pool would reduce the risk of unauthorized access to the pool by young children.

Safer Kids
covers the behaviors necessary for both kids and parents to prevent drowning. No one is ever “drown-proof”. That is a dangerous misconception. The Safer Kids water safety tips include constant responsible supervision by adults, along with swimming skills attained through ongoing qualified instruction for kids.

Safer Response
is how to respond in an emergency if a drowning indeed happens. Safer Response covers emergency response techniques and emergency action plans as well as what *not* to do, preventing a drowning event from becoming a double drowning. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid are essential skills for parents, as well as having a phone available at all times.
Over time, we believe the Safer 3 knowledge will dramatically lower drowning incidents and help prevent many deaths. With your help, we can realize that goal sooner rather than later.